The First Jewish Congress
The First Jewish Congress — How It All Began
In August 1897, in Basel, Switzerland, the World Zionist Organization was founded during the First Zionist Congress, which convened there. The goal – to establish a homeland for the Jewish People and to provide representation for all Jewish communities worldwide. After Israel gained its independence, the Zionist Movement realigned itself to adjust to the new reality of a sovereign state and switched its focus toward strengthening cohesion within the Jewish People and around the central role of the State of Israel for the Jewish People, around the fight against anti-Semitism, promotion of Jewish values, Aliya, Zionist outreach, protecting the rights of Jews and so forth.

Present-Day Importance of the Jewish Congress
Today, more than 120 years after the First World Zionist Congress was held, it seems that the importance of its existence is only growing: repatriation, the fight against anti-Semitism, the preservation of Jewish communities in the Diaspora, the connection with the State of Israel, and the strengthening of Jewish identity are just a few of the important issues on the agenda of each such gathering.
The Zionist Congress convenes once every five years, and around 500 delegates from all over the world participate.
In most countries with Jewish populations, there are Zionist federations that unite various Zionist organizations and movements, representing different communities, streams, and ideologies within the federation itself. The delegates of the Congress are representatives of these organizations and movements. The greater the representation of both the Zionist federation and its organizations and movements at the Congress, the more effectively it can protect its interests and influence the policies of the relations between Israel and the Diaspora in national institutions such as the Jewish National Fund (JNF), the Jewish Agency, the World Zionist Organization, and others.
Participation of World Israel Beytenu in the Congress
World Israel Beytenu first participated in the Zionist Congress in 2000. Ever since it has continually worked to influence and expand. From 2015 to this day, World Israel Beytenu has been represented by 33 delegates from various countries worldwide such as the United States, Canada, Russia, Germany, Ukraine and the list continues to grow.
How can you join and make a difference?
You must be members of the Zionist Federation and you must be members in a movement representing World Israel Beytenu in your country. As movement members you can take part in all the activities and events. You also have the right to vote for the delegates who will be representing your community on behalf of World Israel Beytenu at the Congress.
The Zionist Congress XXXIX will take place in Jerusalem from Tuesday through Thursday 28-30 October 2025, 6-8 Heshvan 5786
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